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How to Create a Great Landing Page

Your website is beautiful, your social media is blossoming and you’re delivering top-quality content. Your small business is on the right track… but it’s still being held back.

Enter the power of the landing page.

With this tool, you don’t just attract visitors; you hold onto them. This is an integral way to turn viewers into customers.

But before we chat about how to create a great landing page,  we’ll answer two of the most important questions that we get from our clients:

What is a landing page, anyway?

In the simplest terms, a landing page enables you to get a visitors’ information using a form. The form provides space for people to enter their name, email, phone number, or other types of information.


And why does it matter?

Landing pages convert to higher leads. Without a landing page, you don’t have access to all of the potentially lucrative visitors that check out your website… After all, there’s not much that you can do to court them if you don’t have their information. Landing pages prompt engagement, and they prompt action. For you, this means more potential business.

Armed with this knowledge, you know why it’s so vital to create a great landing page. So here’s how to create one:

1. No distractions

While you don’t want your page to look like it’s stuck in the dark ages of web design, you also want to eliminate any features that might distract viewers from the goal: Entering their information. You can do this by limiting navigating. Create a simple, intuitive form that won’t get them off-topic.

2. Explain what’s in it for them

People aren’t going to sign up for something unless they feel like they’re going to get something out of it. Whether you’re offering free information, promotions or another deal, this is a great way to actually hook your visitors.

3. Make it short and sweet

People don’t want to spend 20 minutes filling out their information. Keep it minimal. If you don’t really need their phone number, don’t ask for it. If you only need their name and email address, then just stick with that. People will be a lot more apt to sign up if it won’t eat up more than a few seconds of their time.

4. Share the Wealth

Add social media sharing buttons so that visitors can share the good news with their friends. And remember, if you offer something special for them, they’ll be all the more likely to share your landing page.

Armed with these tips, you can create a top-notch landing page that will get you tangible results. Feeling swamped with other aspects of your business? Simply reach out to us and we’ll take care of it for you.

Image Credit: [Flickr/JonathanPeters/Zizzyballoobah]


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