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Content marketing – what’s that supposed to mean?

If content marketing isn’t part of your marketing strategy, then we’d definitely encourage you to consider it.

What’s content marketing? It might be easiest to define it by explaining what it’s not. Without content marketing, a company might have a website with photos and descriptions of the products or services they’re offering, and a “Contact Us” page, or even a shopping cart where visitors could purchase the items. The website might be updated whenever there’s a new product offering, or a promotion, but otherwise the site is mostly static.

In a content marketing approach, there would be a steady stream of communications from the company to the public. That might look like a blog, with posts going up every day and subscription options so visitors could get blog posts emailed to them. Or you might see a company website with a facebook and/or twitter feed right on the homepage, so you can see that every day (or multiple times a day) the company is posting content. Not only about its own offerings of course – but a variety of stories that are related to the brand, that might be interesting to the visitor. Stories involving food, for example, on the Facebook page of a local restaurant, that might be appealing to that restaurant’s clientele.

It’s not a direct sales pitch, and that’s the advantage. It doesn’t seem too sales-y, but it keeps your brand name at the top of the viewer’s mind. Your customers are likely using social media, so get your name out there, so you’ll be the first company they think of when they’re looking to make a purchase.

If you’d like to talk specifics, shoot us an email or give us a call – we’d be happy to chat.

[Image Credit: Flickr / artbystevejohnson]

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