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The Evolution of Communication

We’ve evolved. Gone are the days of cave paintings and carrier pigeons; enter the age of social media and virtual communication.

Online interaction has become a prominent part of our daily lives. Scarcely a day (or hour) passes without checking Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ accounts. We are always “plugged in,” always connected.

We love this infographic because it traces the art of communication through time. We’ve come a long way – and it’s exciting to see how we utilize technology to keep in touch. But it’s also vital to keep up-to-date and follow social media trends as they continue to evolve and shift.

Communication Drives Better Business

An online presence is as essential in the business sphere as it is in the social realm. In our generation, “keeping in touch” is most effective when it is done virtually. The numbers speak for themselves: with an estimated 1.15 billion users on Facebook, 500 million users on Twitter, and 70 million users on Pinterest, it makes sense that the best way to reach a target audience is often through the web. Help your business to excel by creating a robust online presence, and don’t be afraid to tap into the wide variety of social media outlets available to achieve your company’s goals.

If you feel overwhelmed by the prolifera of social media outlets that seem to be cropping up daily, don’t panic. Your business can transform the way it communicates with its audience – and it’s all in thanks to social media. Why not see how you can transform your business’s online presence with the help of Wheel Media? Get in touch to chat, or reach out for a free quote. The (online) world is your oyster!

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